As suggested in the book's title, it promises to provide insight into our ability to transcend our everyday skills.  The book provides a wealth of information, divided into sections and theories as you move towards the end with your complexity.  The examples described in the book are easy to follow as they serve as vivid examples for breaking down complex statements.

Sometimes, it can even read like a self-help book for those who are not motivated to continue their defenses and turn their thoughts into action.  It makes sense overall that we may be the biggest obstacle in our path due to personal bias whether we want to address them or not.  This is not a new book, in fact it is the first bookstore to come back in 19363 but the knowledge holds true even after six decades.

The subconscious mind has always fascinated me on some level since I was introduced to the concept several years ago. The idea that we can learn by not actively concentrating on anything while we sleep or by listening to a tape still haunts my mind today. The source of an idea, the journey of higher underplanned on a daily basis of how firing electrical impulses inside my brain can lead to physical manifestations as a minimum to the complexity of my daily work. It’s like manual driving, once you reach a certain level of experience; The body only responds to a situation. In fact, actively changing gears in response to a traffic event or thinking about depressing the clutch slows down your reaction time because the mind is faster when operating with the body at the subconscious level.

 The author, Joseph Murphy has made some lengthy claims that he continues to be true without a scientific basis or recognition. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. It may not hurt you, it may work for you, or you may get tired of waiting to see remarkable results, but the book offers you many options and your level of intelligence to realize the idea and use it to make your life better The method is dependent because there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to human thinking.
The author claims that the subconscious mind is working from the beginning of our life to our last breath and we can use it better with a few simple steps.  It is clear that he uses quotations from the Bible as a religion and they form a concept entirely as a concept without a religious angle.  Being a lazy atheist myself, I had a hard time swallowing the idea of ​​leaving ignorance to inity, but if there is no direction from science, I can just read it, think about it for a minute, and move on to other ideas that I can test and test myself.